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High Point North

Welcome, the start of the summer season at HPN!

Posted on: Jun 7, 2021

To all HPN Owners

The Memorial Day Holiday is the traditional start of the summer season. With most COVID restrictions behind us and based on the significant increase in HPN occupancy rates over the past two weekends, the significant increase in visitors predicted for this summer from owners and their invited guests and visitors appears to be on track.

Based on owner recommendations, and to streamline building entry, exit and check-in, we have installed an automatic front door, and now take credit cards for those that need to register their cars. Additionally and in an effort to keep the lobby entrance clear, safe and non-threatening, all owners, their pets, guests and visitors will now be prohibited from gathering or standing in or around the front lobby entrance including the bench other than for very brief time periods. In particular the bench is intended for owner/guest use for brief periods while waiting for rides or other guests to arrive or while loading and unloading luggage, groceries, etc. This change is made in accordance with the provisions of HPN Bylaws Article XI, Section 2 and is effective immediately; violation of this prohibition may result in fines and/or legal action.

The Board of Directors has an obligation and duty to oversee and control the use of the common elements of the building for the benefit, safety and security of all owners and their invited guests. The front entrance to the lobby is a “common element” and the Board and building staff have received a number of complaints from guests and owners last summer and over the past 8 months; this has required us to implement this change, effective immediately.

Direct any questions or concerns to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please have a safe and enjoyable summer.

The HPN Board of Directors