Water throughout the building will be totally shut off beginning 6AM, Tuesday, March 26th
The HPN water booster sytem is failing and in need of replacement. Atlantic Plumbing will be removing the 1972 vintage water booster system and replacing it with more efficient frequency drives.
Click "READ MORE" Although the existing system has been repaired over the past few years, parts are no longer available and water pressure is down to an unacceptable level.
The replacement of this system will affect the building's main water supply and all units will be without water for a minimum of one day, and possibly as long as FIVE DAYS if any of the existing plumbing fails during the repair.
If you plan to come to High Point North during this time please call the office to get the water status prior to your arrival.
After the shut off is complete, discoloration may be visible for a short time. Please notify your family, guests and Rental Company of this scheduled work.
We regret the inconvenience; thank you for your cooperation.
Tom Downey
HPN Property Manager